Ian Pratt prepares to play taps at the end of the service.
WWII veterans Constant (Connie Maffey) and Henry Ferri read the names of the newly installed brick pavers.
Cumberland Valley High School JR ROTC cadets present the ceremonial wreath during the Memorial Day service.
Colonel (ret) Rob DeSousa makes his remarks on behalf of Sen Pat Toomey's office.
Ian Pratt playing taps at the end of the Memorial Day service.
Colonel Joe McCallion pausing just prior to giving his keynote address.
Committee volunteer, Roger Fugere posing with the Capital Area Young Marines after the service.
Veterans Committee chairman, Kurt Minnich making some announcements prior to the start of the service.
A photo taken at Arlington National Cemetery over the Memorial Day weekend, reminds us why we take pause to remember the fallen.